NONE OF OUR DEER ARE CURRENTLY FOR SALE. WE DO NOT A.I. SO WE HAVE NO SEMEN FOR SALE FROM THE BUCKS. We will NOT be selling any more deer. We are retiring from deer breeding and are keeping Glory's last babies as pets!
The 2022 Deer Fawns will be our LAST FAWNS EVER. The state of Minnesota is making it their mission to run all small deer farms out of business. As a result, MN went from about 890 farms to 125 farms in the last few years. Crow Wing County went from about 45 farms to 4, and we are one of the holdouts.
The reason for this is because the MN Deer Hunters Association has decided that all blame for CWD in the wild is to be put on the MN deer farmers. (and because the MN Deer Hunters pour $$ into the state of MN, the lawmakers are agreeing with them) This is ridiculous, as our deer (and MN farmed deer in general) are the most heavily restricted animals on our farm. They NEVER leave their 8 foot fenced enclosures and come into no direct contact with wild deer. My opinion is that there is a MUCH higher probability that MN Wild deer are more likely to spread CWD to farmed deer than vice versa. (if they make contact with them)
Regardless, the MNBAH has been increasing fees and increasing regulations in an attempt to get us all to quit. (and it is working as we watch the numbers of farms drop) They are currently trying to pass laws that No new MN deer farms can be started and that the existing farms will be bought out. Which means they will expect us to take a pay out in exchange for killing our animals, and in my case, my pets. This is not something I am willing to do, but all indications are that the fees & regulations will continue to increase until us small time farmers can't afford them and give up.
Caesar & Reign - The 2020 Fawns
Most of our fawns are WHITE like Vinnie or possibly Pied like Glory. We occasionally get brown whitetails but we never expect them.
Our whitetail "herd" consists of 6 deer.
Vinnie, Caesar & Liberty are all white (leucistic deer) Morning Glory is pied and Breeze & Adrenaline are brown.
Our very own Morning Glory was in a MOVIE! The movie COLD NOVEMBER released in 2017. It is about a young girl and her first deer hunt and Glory plays a deer she meets in the woods. I was able to take a few guests to the Movie Premiere in the Twin Cities in October 2017. Glory was GORGEOUS in the movie, just as I knew she would be! Glory did a great job with the crew here on the farm and didn't get too nervous at all. (She did get a little annoyed with us as we wanted her to walk thru the same section of woods several times and it took many carrots to convince her it was worth her while!) Glory is not your average deer so her unique coloring adds a mystical element to the chance meeting in the woods! I am a poor agent. Glory did not receive any $$ or Carrots for her part in the movie!! Personally I think Glory should have had more time in the movie... she truly was the highlight! (for me)
OUR MUNTJAC HERD HAS BEEN OFFICIALLY SOLD. THEY MOVED TO TEXAS ON 9/6/19 I miss them...and envy them that they have no more Minnesota winters!
I do not currently know anyone that sells muntjacs outside of MN. (that can sell them out of state) Your best bet is to contact a zoo in your area and go from there.
I will also answer the most frequently asked questions here:
*Are Muntjacs good house pets? They can be, but they are not for everyone. I personally do NOT consider them good house pets. Muntjacs LOVE to run.. and need LOTS of safe area to do so. Your average house does not have this space. (no slippery floors etc)
*Do Muntjacs potty train easily ? NO - not at all
*Should I buy a muntjac if I live in an apartment or "the greener part of Brooklyn"? NO
*Can I put a muntjac on a leash and take it to the dog park?
NO - this would be illegal in most states and reckless/dangerous to your muntjac in every state.
I read that Muntjacs have ZERO odor and potty train in a day, like a kitty, is this true?
NO - as stated above, they do not potty train quickly. I knew someone that worked on it for over 4 months before she gave up. I also personally think they STINK. (in the house, outside they are not too bad) They pee on themselves while they lay on their beds and get up soaked with urine and quite honestly reek. (in the house.. outside they do not seem to pee where they sleep, but in the house, mine always did.)
I am sure there are more... and perhaps someday I will add them, but you may understand now why I no longer sell muntjacs.
Do I like Muntjacs? YES I do ! But I think they are not good house pets for most people and I think you need to understand they are DEER, not kitties and puppies. They do not enjoy cuddling. They do not enjoy being carried. They like their feet on the ground at all times and they do not enjoy restraints of any kind. They are Prey animals so they have a strong fight/flight instinct. (which is natural of all prey animals) They DO enjoy affection, petting, scratching etc... they just do NOT enjoy cuddling, restraint, etc..